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进 jin

Home Pinyin jin

并进 bìngjìn abreast

冲进 chōngjìn rush into; stormed

闯进 chuǎng jìn break into

促进 cùjìn expedite; furtherance; impetus; promote; promotes; promoting; spurring; stimulation

打进 dǎ jìn break in

二进 èrjìn dyadic

改进 gǎijìn improve; improved

跟进 gēn jìn follow up

海进 hǎijìn transgression

激进 jījìn activism; radical

渐进 jiànjìn gradualism

进步 jìnbù advancement; advancements; headway; progress; progressive

进餐 jìncān dine; supped

进场 jìn chǎng arrival

进城 jìn chéng entering the city

进程 jìnchéng process; processes

进出 jìnchū in and out

进动 jìndòng precess

进度 jìndù schedule

进而 jìnér and then

进攻 jìngōng attack; offensive; offensively; onslaught

进化 jìnhuà evolution; evolutionary

进货 jìnhuò purchase

进军 jìnjūn foray; marching

进口 jìnkǒu import; imports; inlet

进来 jìnlái come in

进门 jìnmén entering the door

进球 jìn qiú goal

进取 jìnqǔ aggressive; enterprising

进去 jìnqù go in

进入 jìnrù enter; entered; entering; enters

进食 jìnshí eating

进水 jìn shuǐ influent

进退 jìntuì advance and retreat

进屋 jìn wū entering the house

进行 jìnxíng carried; carries; conducted; conducting; get on

进一步 jìnyībù further

进展 jìnzhǎn progress; progressed; progresses; progressing

进站 jìnzhàn pit stop; pitted; stint

进驻 jìnzhù emplacement

快进 kuài jìn fast forward

迈进 màijìn step forward

民进 mín jìn minjin

前进 qiánjìn go ahead; go-ahead; onward

上进 shàngjìn upward

上进心 shàngjìn xīn self-motivated

缩进 suōjìn indent; indentation; indented

跳进 tiào jìn jump into

推进 tuījìn advance; propel; propelled; propelling; propulsive

先进 xiānjìn advanced

引进 yǐnjìn introduction; ushers

跃进 yuèjìn leapfrogging

增进 zēngjìn enhance

装进 zhuāng jìn put in

走进 zǒu jìn walk in

钻进 zuān jìn drilling

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce